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Tuesday 31 January 2012

Club Penguin Underwater Party Cheats

*This is a Sticky Post! Scroll down for the LATEST Club Penguin Cheats*
Today the Club Penguin Team have released the new Underwater Expedition party and I am here to give you all the cheats for the party! Below are all the images showing you how to get everything you need in this party!
Once you have clicked "Go there!" then this is what the beach looks like:
There is even a free item, it is called the Heavy Hat! This is what it looks like when you waddle next to it:
Now, waddle into the entrance at the beach and you will see there is a maze! Follow the following pictures and you will complete the maze! 

Now you have waddled through the finish section you will be in a special room! It has a free item in the room and if you sit on the chair, some lights will appear! Take a look at the room:
Now, waddle over to the Free item, in exactly this place:
Now you are standing there, this message will appear, click yes to get the item!
This new party is very, very good and Rookie has attended the party as well! We are really excited that Rookie has joined in the party as we will be tracking him hard during the whole time of the party. Now, I really like this party, don't you? Be sure to comment below and tell me -Happyblue128.

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