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Monday 4 June 2012

Pengable Blog Post - Puffle Party Arrived!

The Pengable team have released a new blog post today and it speaks about their Puffle Party that they have just released. The team talk about the ancient puffle hat and even PH giving out free items!
As many of you know, the Puffle Party has arrived to the island of Pengable! Be the first to pick up the ancient Party Hat hidden deep within the temple, or adopt a Gold Puffle for the fun of taking care of one!

Whatever you do, there’s always something that’ll keep you occupied at the Puffle Party. We can’t wait to see many more of you discover the lost Temple of Gold, where the Gold Puffle resides.
P.S. We’ve heard word that PH, the Puffle Handler, will be waddling around the island during this party. She’ll be giving out a free background to anyone who can find her.
Have fun at the Puffle Party, everyone!
What do you think of this new blog post? Let us know in the comments

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