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Friday 10 February 2012

Club Penguin - Cadence At Abominable Images :)

Today while server jumping across Club Penguin I noticed that DJ Cadence was at Abominable at the Gift Shop! She was a real person (not one of Club Penguin's bots) and she got a makeover from me!
I asked Cadence how long she had been on Club Penguin for but I never got a reply! That's okay though Cadence, I understand that you need to entertain many penguins. :)
Loads of penguins came to the Gift Shop and soon the room was nearly full! Lucky for us Cadence was doing what we asked her to do and replied to most of our questions. :)
I then asked Cadence if she wanted a makeover and she came over and smiled to me! I took that as a yes and I cut a bit of her hair off! She said that "She liked the natural look" so I left the rest. She still sat down though and I cut her puffle, lolz's, hair!
Cadence then got the room full for non-members and members with her popularity! She danced with us and told us all to break dance. Everyone was really enjoying our time with Cadence but of course she had to leave the server! It doesn't matter though! We all had lots of fun :) -Happyblue128

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