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Saturday, 29 October 2011

Become A Happyblue128 Author!

As my source of internet will disappear tomorrow the site will need some new authors who I can count on. If you become a author for this site you must apply to these rules:

You must..

Be over 11 years old, 
Not speak slang in a post, 
Include detail like I do in my posts,
Have been blogging for more then a year,
Have a twitter account,
Be able to post everyday,
To tell me this just comment me or tweet me on twitter @Happyblue128 I will reply on twitter asap but I will take a few days to reply via comments.

One or two of your posts.
Thanks -Happyblue128.


natalie4443 said...

Sorry i haddnt been on my blog since april so everything had been deleted but i am able for the rest (i am 11 and a half) clubpenguin7updates

IcyberriCP said...

My blog is
Check it out!(: