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Thursday 15 March 2012

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Cheats

Club Penguin have released the 2012 Puffle Party and I am here to provide you with the cheats for the party! There are so many rooms decorated for this party! First off, there is a new poster, it takes you to the Puffle Play Zone.
First off, I will show you all the decorated rooms for the Puffle Party! The first room is The Town.
Room 2 - The Snow Forts
Room 3 - Puffle Feeding Room
Room 4 - Plaza
Room 5 - The Forest
There are many rooms that are decorated for the Puffle Party but it would take all day to show them so they are only a few Puffle Party 2012 Rooms! Be sure to check the island for more. When you waddle to the Ski Village you'll notice there are 2 new rooms, check them out!
Waddle into the Puffle Show Room and you will notice that you are in a new room! This is what the new room looks like:
There is also a Free Item, that you can receive for your Penguin!
Once you have the free item, waddle up to the Photo Stand and take a picture of your penguin/Puffle! You can do this by clicking on the camera!
Once you do this you will get your very own Background. The new Background is called the First Prize Puffle Background! Check it out:
Now, waddle back to the Ski Village and go into the other new room - the Puffle Play Zone! Once you waddle in there you will see this:
There is also another free item! It's a hat for your Puffle to wear - it matches the Penguin's one!
What are your thoughts on this year's Puffle Party? Comment below and tell me -Happyblue128

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