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Breaking News: Club Penguin have given out pay checks to Elite Penguin Force agents and Tour Guides. Click here for more information.

Friday 9 December 2011

New Club Penguin Log In Screens

Hello Penguins!
There is only one week until the Holiday party,witch means we should prepare for it!
Club Penguin has released 2 new login screens,to remind us about the party.The first one calls
us to help the cause Coins For Change.Don't forget to donate!

The second shows us something that will make you very happy.At the Holiday party,we can
can get free item every day!It says that on 27 December we can get a shirt!However,it is
uncertain,so enter every day to the party or visit our site for info.
Did you like the new login screens?Tell us by leaving a comment below!
Waddle On!
-Forca Barca2

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