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Sunday 4 December 2011

Club Penguin Times Issue #319

Today Club Penguin released a new issue of the Club Penguin Times.....

Feature Story: Ninja Hideout Open to All!
"The Card-Jitsu celebration is coming to and end, my students," Sensei announced. "But our training must continue." "From this day forth, all ninjas are welcome to battle in the Ninja Hideout."

Ninja Hideout Open to All:Continued
"Fire and Water Dojos will be only open to members," Sensei Continued. "But the Ninja Hideout shall remain open for everyone. You have earned this great honor, my students." "Ninja members may now start their paths wherever the elements call them. Begin your training in any Dojo. It is you choice.""I am very proud of you. The Card-Jitsu Party has been a great success." Show your skills honor the elements. The ninja
celebration continues until Dec. 6.

Support Story: Festive
Fashion!The Holiday Party is coming up fast! Snowflakes,reindeer, ballerinas and nutcrackers are celebrating in the Gift Shop. The Club Penguin Times interviewed one snowflake to find out what's in store this month."Party Rumors are floating all around," said the snowflake. "I hear the Ice Rink is coming back soon!" she told us, as she drifted out the Gift Shop door."Nobody nose for sure what's coming up," said a reindeer. "But I do have a few i-deers!" "Something big is coming to the Forest. And if you have a sweet tooth, there may be some special treats in store for you."So come and grab an outfit in the Gift Shop. After all the Holday Party is around the corner!"

Starting Now: Penguin Style Catalog: Celebrate the season! Get you perfect outfit in the Gift Shop.
Dec. 1: Pay Day: Tour Guides: check your mailboxes
for your monthly paycheck.
Starting Dec. 8: Snow and Sports Catalog: Whether you're a goalie or figure skater (or both), this catalog is for you!
Stating Dec. 15: Start Saving for Coins for Change.

Do you like this week's issue of the Club Penguin Times? What's your favourite part? Comment Below
~Boba 126

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