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Sunday 25 December 2011

Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker 2011

Hello Penguins,
The official Happyblue128 Rockhopper tracker has now been posted on this site :) We will enjoy tracking together below. The tracker has a tracker and a tracking chat below, make sure you check both for Captain Rockhopper's location.

Rockhopper tracker:

Rockhopper Tracker

Rockhopper Chat

Rockhopper and the Migrator

Rockhopper and Yarr sail the Blue Open Sea on The Migrator, searching for treasures and gold on what may seem to be a faraway Island Adventure. Club Penguin’s Pirate, Rockhopper, typically returns to the Island every two months with new Items and Treasures to sell. When Rockhopper is in Club Penguin, The Migrator is docked at the Beach next to the Lighthouse. You can board The Migrator and explore the Main Deck, Hold, and Captain’s Quarters. You can learn more about Rockhopper by reading his Journal at the Book Room.

How to find Rockhopper

You can locate Rockhopper on Club Penguin when The Migrator is docked at the Beach. Rockhopper typically spends 15 to 20 minutes on each server, waddling all over the Island in seek of new Penguin Friends. You can locate the Pirate/Captain on popular servers during peak hours when a plentiful number of penguins are online, and on less popular servers during off-peak hours when few penguins are online. Rockhopper is commonly found waddling on Mammoth, Frozen, Blizzard, Parka, Yeti, Abominable, and Sleet at the Migrator, Captain’s Quarters, Town, Plaza, Cove, Forest, Beach, Dock, Iceberg, and Pizza Parlor. Because Club Penguin Staff Members control Rockhopper, he’s usually offline when Club Penguin Support is Closed and on Weekends. Additionally, Rockhopper can also act as a Bot.

Rockhopper Finding Tips

You can Locate and Find Rockhopper on Club Penguin using our subordinate Rockhopper Finding Tips. You can also read above and beyond for additional information on tracking the Penguin Pirate.
  • Track and Locate Rockhopper on Club Penguin using our Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker. Our Rockhopper Tracker accurately exports Rockhopper’s Status, Server, and Room on Club Penguin via our Club Penguin Cheats Team and User Contributed Submissions.
  • Rockhopper and Yarr like attention, so it’s obvious that Rockhopper would prefer to visit Popular Servers on the Island rather than Empty Servers. You can commonly find the Pirate on Sleet, Frozen, Mammoth, Blizzard, Yeti, and Parka.
  • Rockhopper is a Red Penguin featuring a Beard and a Pirate Hat. You can receive a Free Gift from Rockhopper via the “Add Buddy” Selection Button which has been replaced with a “Receive a Gift” Button.
  • Normally, Rockhopper has a swarm of penguins huddled around him shouting “Rockhopper!” If you have trouble opening Rockhopper’s Player Card, you can use the alphabetized “Users in Room” List to open the Pirate’s Player Card.
  • Rockhopper tends to “Hop Servers” while waddling around the Island. You have to be quick at catching the Pirate, because he typically spends a mear 15 minutes on each server.
Clearly, Finding Rockhopper can be quite a chore, though the aforementioned tips on How to Find Rockhopper could be your key to finding the Island’s Number One Mascot.

Timeline of Rockhopper’s Past

March 7, 2005: Rockhopper unveils to Yarr that he has finally finished building his ship, The Migrator. According to Rockhopper, the ship is a beauty, hand-crafted from the tip of the crow’s nest to the bottom of its hull. The Pirate set sail on March 7 to explore the Seas surrounding Club Penguin.
March 8, 2005: Rockhopper and Yarr say their final farewell to the residents of Club Penguin. The Penguin Band was playing a tune to wish the two goodbye, while nearby residents touched Rockhopper’s heart to wish him a merry goodbye.
March 27, 2005: The most fearsome clouds Rockhopper had have laid eyes on approached him from the Northeast. According to Rockhopper, “Oh, what a storm. Oh, I can’t begin to describe!”
March 29, 2005: The “Blasted Storm” blew Rockhopper further off course than he expected. He didn’t catch eye of Club Penguin, though he wished to see the Lighthouse once more.
April 5, 2005: Rockhopper reaches a newly discovered Island with water and fruit trees. Unfortunately, the Island was vacant, so clearly he had yet to reach Club Penguin.
April 18, 2005: Rockhopper speaks to Yarr, alerting the Puffle that he has sailed too far and cannot find Club Penguin. Yarr and Rockhopper are lost and have the slightest clue on how to get back to the Island.
May 17, 2005: Rockhopper and Yarr sail through a shallow area of water and discover a shiny metal box filled with hundreds upon hundreds of golf wristwatches.
May 20, 2005: Rockhopper and Yarr discover a new Club Penguin Shipment filled with masks and snorkels. The Pirate and Puffle are glad to see some sign of Club Penguin.
May 27, 2005: Rockhopper failed to reach Club Penguin, but he finds the Island with Fruit Trees again and decides to name the vacant land Rockhopper’s Island.
June 9, 2005: Rockhopper and The Migrator welcome a New Passenger — a Puffle! The little fellow was floating abroad the sea on a wooden plank, so Rockhopper invited the creature onto the Migrator and gave it some food and water.
August 2, 2006: Rockhopper finds his “Log Book.” It had been lost for over a year in his own room (Captain’s Quarters). Rockhopper and Yarr discover a dozen new islands and find enough treasures to fill the entire ship.
September 25, 2006: Yarr and Rockhopper see the light of a distant Lighthouse. According to Rockhopper, the light is far too bright to be the Club Penguin Lighthouse, but they’ve set sail in that direction anyways.
October 1, 2006: Yarr and Rockhopper spot Club Penguin from the Migrator. According to Rockhopper, “I would never forget the frozen face of that icy island.”
October 12, 2006: Rockhopper unveils to Yarr that he will land The Migrator around the Lighthouse; penguins will be able to purchase treasures from the Migrator’s Catalog.
October 17, 2006: Shiver me Timbers! It seems like every soul on Club Penguin has hopped aboard The Migrator. A lot has changed around the Island. It seems that every resident on the Island has furry pets like Yarr.
October 27, 2006: Yarr and Rockhopper depart the Island and continue their adventure abroad the Club Penguin Sea. Rockhopper promises to be back in two months.
October 31, 2006: Rockhopper discovers a new use for his Discover. It’ll help the Pirate and Puffle find their way to Rockhopper Island. According to Rockhopper, “Aye, like a map they could be!”
November 1, 2006: Rockhopper unveils that his plan to find Rockhopper Island via Starlight was a brilliant plan. It seems that finding the Island shouldn’t be too hard a task now.
[Complete Rockhopper Timeline Coming Soon -- Stay Tuned!]

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I really meet Rockhopper and Yarr on Club Penguin?
Unfortunately, you cannot meet Yarr (Rockhopper’s Puffle) on Club Penguin, though you are certainly welcome to find Rockhopper. Whenever The Migrator can be seen at the Beach and on the Club Penguin Homepage, you can find him on the Island. Rockhopper likes to hang out on his ship. If you can’t find him, ask around. Rockhopper considers himself a friend to everyone in Club Penguin and would love to meet you, so don’t get disappointed if you have trouble finding the Pirate.
2. Can I travel abroad with Rockhopper on The Migrator?
Unfortunately, you cannot travel with Rockhopper on The Migrator. With the exception of Yarr (his Puffle), Rockhopper likes to travel alone and seek adventures freely with his Puffle, the best friend a Penguin could ever have.
3. How can I find out more about Rockhopper and Yarr?
We believe we have unveiled everything their is to know about Rockhopper, but you can always check out the Club Penguin Website and Rockhopper’s Journal to get a second opinion.

Rockhopper’s Voyages to Club Penguin

Rockhopper and Yarr set sail to Club Penguin nearly four to six times a year. Rockhopper normally visits the Island during the Earth Day Party, Island Adventure Party, Fall Fair, and Holiday Party. You can find Rockhopper’s Voyages to the Island at the subordinate list:
  • October 13, 2006 (Rockhopper’s First Visit on Club Penguin)
  • December 8, 2006 (Rockhopper’s Second Visit, New Puffles Introduced)
  • February 9, 2007 (Rockhopper’s Third Arrival, Festival of Snow)
  • March 9, 2007 (Rockhopper’s Fourth Arrival, Journal Introduced)
  • April 27, 2007 (Rockhopper’s Fifth Arrival, Pirate Party, Ship Hold Unveiled)
  • June 22, 2007 (Rockhopper’s Sixth Arrival, Summer Fun with RH)
  • July 27, 2007 (Rockhopper’s Seventh Arrival, Fifth in 2007)
  • August 2007, (Rockhopper Arrives Again, For Some Adventure)
  • September 14, 2007 (Rockhopper Docks with More Cargo, New Items)
  • November 9, 2007 (Rockhopper Docked Again, Eight Arrival)
  • January 2008 (Rockhopper Docked on the Island, Departed February 1)
  • April 25, 2008 (Rockhopper and Yarr’s Arrival Party)
  • June 27, 2008 (Rockhopper Returns for the Fourth of July)
  • August 2008 (Rockhopper Was Online for the Penguin Games)
  • October 17, 2008 (Rockhopper Returned for the Island’s Third Anniversary)
  • December 2008 (Rockhopper on Club Penguin for the Winter Party)
  • February 27, 2009 (Rockhopper and Yarr Dock for the Puffle Party)
  • May 21, 2009 (Rockhopper Docked for Who Knows What)
  • September 4, 2009 (Rockhopper Was Here for the Fall Fair Party)
  • December 11, 2009 (Rockhopper Came for the Christmas Party)
  • March 5, 2010 (Rockhopper Docked at the Beach on CP)
  • June 18, 2010 (Rockhopper Was Here for the Island Adventure Party)
  • September 3, 2010 (Rockhopper and Yarr Docked for the Fall Fair)
  • December 17, 2010 (Rockhopper Arrived for the Holiday Party)
  • April 22, 2011 (Rockhopper Docked for the Earth Day Party)
Clearly, Rockhopper and Yarr have made several journeys to Club Penguin since October 2006. The Pirate Penguin and Puffle typically visit the Island during Parties and Puffle-Related Events.

The Journal of Captain Rockhopper

The Journal of Captain Rockhopper was a log book maintained by none other than Rockhopper. The Pirate’s Journal features Rockhopper’s Journeys, Rockhopper Island, and Pictures. Aunt Arctic gifted Rockhopper a camera to take photos of Rockhopper Island. The Journal of Captain Rockhopper can be read at the Book Room (above the Coffee Shop). You can pick up a Key from the back of the Book to gain access to the Captain’s Quarters.
  • The Journal of Captain Rockhopper was once an Item found in Aqua Grabber during the time period when the Migrator was being rebuilt.
  • The Journal of Captain Rockhopper features descriptions of Rockhopper Island.
  • You can no longer read the Journal on the Migrator. You can find the Book at the Book Room.
  • The Journal of Captain Rockhopper is perhaps the longest book in the Club Penguin Library.
Unfortunately, Rockhopper no longer keeps a log of his journey in the journal. Instead, he posts notices on the Notice Board located in the Captain’s Quarters.

Rockhopper’s Ship: The Migrator

The Migrator is Rockhopper’s Ship. Yarr and Rockhopper travel abroad the sea via The Migrator. The Migrator is one of the many places that Rockhopper can be seen. However, you can only see Yarr, Rockhopper’s Puffle, on The Migrator.
  • The Migrator (Rockhopper’s Ship) was opened on October 14, 2006. The Migrator is located at Rockhopper Island (except when docked alongside the Lighthouse at the Beach).
  • You can play Treasure Hunt at the Captain’s Quarters (Rockhopper’s Cabin) on the Migrator.
  • The Migrator is designed for comfort, not speed, like most Pirate Ships operated under Piracy.
  • The Migrator is constructed of Pine Trees which are quite abundant around the Club Penguin Island.
  • In Early 2007, the Migrator was damaged by a Christmas Blizzard, returning to the Island battered and broken. The Captain and Penguins of Club Penguin worked to rebuild the damaged ship.
  • In January 2008, Rockhopper failed to navigate the Migrator around an Iceberg; the ship crashed into the chunk of ice and sank to the bottom of the sea. Luckily, Yarr and Rockhopper were able to escape in a Life Boat.
  • Gary the Gadget Guy started the Save the Migrator Project to repair the Ship-Wrecked Migrator and launched Aqua Grabber to search for pieces of Rockhopper’s Former Ship.
  • In April of 2008, The Migrator was completely repaired and Rockhopper awarded the Island’s Residents with a Key to the Captain’s Quarters (available in the back of The Journal of Captain Rockhopper).
  • The Migrator can be seen from the Beacon Telescope (Lighthouse) when Rockhopper is coming to Club Penguin or departing the Island.
  • The Ship Hold is located just beneath the Deck of the Migrator. The Ship Hold was publicly opened during The Pirate Party of 2007. Rockhopper’s Rare Items Catalog is located at the Ship Hold. You can access the Captain’s Quarters with a Key from this location.
  • The Captain’s Quarters or Rockhopper’s Cabin is located just beyond the Ship Hold through a Private Door. You need the Key found at the back of The Journal of Captain Rockhopper to access the Quarters. The Captain’s Quarters was publicly opened on April 28, 2008 after the Island’s Residents reconstructed The Migrator.
The Migrator is Yarr and Rockhopper’s Home; featuring the Deck, Ship Hold, and Captain’s Quarters (Rockhopper’s Cabin).

About Rockhopper (Information)

Captain Rockhopper — commonly known as Rockhopper — is a pirate penguin and sailor who sails to the Island of Club Penguin every two months to meet the Island’s Residents. You can learn more about Rockhopper via the subordinate list:
  • Rockhopper is the Captain of the Migrator. The Species of the Pirate is “Penguin.” Rockhopper is a Red Penguin, who wears a Pirate Hat and Black Beard.
  • Captain Rockhopper is friends with Yarr, Bambadee, and the Residents of Club Penguin.
  • You can meet Rockhopper on Club Penguin when The Migrator is docked alongside the Lighthouse at the Beach.
  • Rockhopper’s Brother is named Grasshopper. Yarr and Rockhopper travel together on the Migrator.
  • You can get a Club Penguin Stamp for being in the same room as Captain Rockhopper.
  • Rockhopper sells Member and Free Items via the Rockhopper’s Rare Items Catalog at the Ship Hold.
  • In 2006, Rockhopper introduced Red Puffles to the Island’s Residents for Adoption.
  • Rockhopper’s Book, Rockhopper and the Stowaway, is available at the Club Penguin Library (Book Room).
  • Captain Rockhopper and Sensei may be relatives on Club Penguin. It’s currently unknown, however.
  • It used to be possible to send a Card to Rockhopper or add him to your Ignore List.
  • Rockhopper has mistaken the Giant Squid for the Kraken on Club Penguin.
  • Because Rockhopper is scared of heights, he never visits the Mountain or Dojo.
  • Captain Rockhopper was the first meetable penguin on Club Penguin.
You can meet Rockhopper and Yarr on Club Penguin during the Earth Day Party, Island Adventure Party, Puffle Party, Fall Fair, and Holiday Party. Additionally, Rockhopper and Yarr visit the Island during other occasions, like the Pirate Party

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