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Breaking News: Club Penguin have given out pay checks to Elite Penguin Force agents and Tour Guides. Click here for more information.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Club Penguin Field Ops #60 Cheats 2011

Today, Club Penguin has released a new Field op for EPF agents. Here is how to complete it:

  • Go to the EPF, and accept your Field-Op from Gary.

  • Go to the Stadium, and go over the bottom corner.

  • To complete the Field-Op you need to crack the lock. Listen to the tempo of the lock, then repeat it. Once you match each lock twice, you will finish the Field-Op.

  • When you have completed this week's Field-Op you will receive this message from Gary:

Which reads:
Well Done Agent! Using your Spy Phone's lock-pick to tap the ice was perfect way to test its strength.
Quite some time ago, Herbert used the ice to build a giant magnifying glass. So ever since, we've made sure to keep an eye on it. Thanks again.

Was this week's Field-Op hard or easy? Tell us by leaving a comment below!
-Forca Barca2

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