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Wednesday 8 February 2012

Club Penguin - Cadence At French Yeti Images!

Today I found DJ Cadence at French Yeti on Club Penguin! I saw her at the Gift Shop at Yeti (French) and she added me! There isn't a new background that I could get though :( Take a look at a few images I took:
(Be aware that people are speaking French so it may not make sense to you!) Cadence had a makeover and we all helped her! (Above image description).
Then more penguins go the message that DJ Cadence was at the server and joined in the party! Cadence then moved out of her makeover chair and went to talk to us all. (Above image description)
I brought up Cadence's penguin card as the room started to get full of penguins trying to get Cadence to add her, talk to them and get Cadence's background! People started to ask Cadence how she was "Ca va Cadence?" but Cadence didn't reply. A bit rude Cadence! Anyway Cadence decided to leave the server after loads of penguins appeared, it was fun while only a few penguins appeared at the Gift Shop. (Above image description)

If you still haven't seen the DJ then don't worry, we are still tracking her! -Happyblue128

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