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Breaking News: Club Penguin have given out pay checks to Elite Penguin Force agents and Tour Guides. Click here for more information.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Club Penguin Field-Ops Cheats

Today Club Penguin have released a new field-ops for EPF agents to do around the island. As usual Agent G, otherwise known as Gary, has left a message on the Field-Ops sign for us EPF agents. This is what he has said:

Once you have clicked "Accept Field-Ops" waddle over to the  so your penguin is in this position:

Okay so when you are in that position your spy phone will be making a noise and blinking green. If you click on your spy phone while its making a noise and green this message will appear:
Now click "ENGAGE" and you will start the mission. In this field-ops mission you simply need to click on the x + y coordinates to fire the defence cannons. You must stay focused when playing this game as you need to destroy 20 targets before the time runs out. Once you have complete this you have a new medal for your penguin to spend! What will you do with your medal? I'll be saving up. Comment and tell me what you will be doing with your new medal ~Happyblue128.

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