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Breaking News: Club Penguin have given out pay checks to Elite Penguin Force agents and Tour Guides. Click here for more information.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Club Penguin New Field-Ops!

While tracking down Gary at our Gary Tracker today I noticed that my EPF Spy phone was flashing red, this means that there is a new field-ops for EPF agents to compete. Lets look through all the steps on this weeks field-ops below:

Step 1) Go to the EPF Command room and waddle over to the Field-ops board and this message should pop up:

Step 2) Once you have clicked 'Accept Field-Ops' waddle over to the Night club and stand over by the pumpkin on the left hand side, this pumpkin is sitting above the speaker on the left:

Step 3) Now click 'Engage' and match the same symbols to each other and after you have completed the field-ops a message from Jet Pack Guy will appear.
Now you have finished this weeks Field-ops you can buy a item from the EPF shop via your spy phone or you can save another medal to your collection and buy a item next week! Tell me what you think of this week's field-ops and tell me what you are doing with your medals in a comment. -Happyblue128.

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