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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Club Penguin Field Ops #51

Just today, the 51st Field Ops on Club Penguin has been released on the island! This field ops is all about being a Stealth agent. It's a fairly easy one too! I will help you ever step of the way to successfully complete Field Ops #51!
1. Click your spy phone.
2. Click the "Go There" button.
3. Waddle over to the field ops sign and click it, you'll see this:
It reads:
"Herbert remains safely on custody, so training can continue. This week, Dot has arranged a Stealth task.
She has thrown a mico-transmitter into the water. Work together to find its signal, and then crack its code."
4. Click "Continue" or "Except Field Ops."
5. Go to the Hidden Lake where you would find Field Ops #51 mission.
6. Your spy phone will ring and blink green.
7. Click on your spy phone and you will see this:
8. Now, you click "Engage" you will start your Field Ops game.
9. After you have finished the game you will get a message from Dot.
It reads:
"Agent. that was perfect! Very subtle and focused! These skills will come in handy for undercover Stealth agents. And for supporting your squad. Remember Tech agents, Comm agents, and Tactical Agents bring their own strengths to the force."

 Now you have successfully complete our 51st field ops! This field ops wasn't that hard at all! I think I'm really good at being a Stealth agent!  Are you? What kind of agent are you good at? Leave a comment below on what you did good on field ops on and what kind of agent you are!
-King Boo8884

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